
New essay on “Thinking telematically”

In summer 2021, I was invited by Mark Lomanno, the media review editor for Jazz Perspectives, to write a short piece for that journal about the impact of the pandemic on jazz. I did discuss some musicians’ creative responses to lockdown, but rather than do a traditional media review of specific concerts or recordings, I used the opportunity more to … Read more

Duo performance with Mark Dresser

Mark Dresser gave an incredible recital recently at UCSD, sharing his wide creative range as both an improviser and composer. I enjoyed playing as a guest performer on a couple of his compositions that we performed as a duo, “Gloaming” and “Hobby Lobby Horse.” These are pieces we originally developed and recorded with the Mark Dresser Seven. It’s always a … Read more

Podcast interview

John Lamberton recently interviewed me for his podcast, and I enjoyed a long conversation with him about my work in telematics, live electronics, and many other topics. Thank you, John! His interesting podcast series, titled Bridge, is available on all the usual places like Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Presentation on Puentes Telemáticos at NowNet Arts

Juan David Rubio and I recently co-presented a paper at the NowNet Arts Conference about our experiences with Puentes Telemáticos / Telematic Bridges. It is always inspiring for me to collaborate and think about telepresence with Juan, and we are looking forward to doing more writing together as we continue to build out this program with our co-directors Mario Valencia and … Read more

Virtual workshops for UNAM

In October, it was a pleasure working with grad students and faculty at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), where I offered a series of Zoom workshops on telematic and networked music, thanks to an invitation from Pablo Gómez Cano for Síntesis Cultura. We covered a lot of topics, including hands-on Sonobus practice as well as some great group … Read more

Mark Dresser 5 @ Angel City Jazz Fest

I enjoyed performing again on LA’s homegrown Angel City Jazz Festival, playing with Mark Dresser’s incredible quintet featuring Chris Speed, Joshua White and Mark Ferber. It was great to play for an in-person audience at REDCAT, after so long playing only in online formats! I’m grateful to Rocco Samazzi and the other wonderful people who put in a deep labor … Read more

Telematic concert, Korea-California

The Asian Cultural Council World Music Festival is a yearly festival in Korea and it was an honor to be invited by the indefatigable composer-performer Yoon Jeong Heo to participate in a recent Telematic Ensemble concert there. Anthony Davis, Mark Dresser and I all “beamed in” from our individual locations in California, to perform with four outstanding musicians, Bomi Kim, … Read more

Puentes Telemáticos / Telematic Bridges 2021

I had a fantastic time collaborating again this year on Puentes Telemáticos / Telematic Bridges, a telepresent, intercultural music course linking students from Santa Ana High School in CA with peers in Manizales, Colombia. This year, we expanded it to a 3-week format, and due to the continued lockdown in Colombia, students there joined from their homes via Zoom, while … Read more

Concert with Myra Melford and Mark Dresser + podcast interview

It was a joy as always to play a concert with Myra Melford and Mark Dresser recently, in this case a live telematic performance presented by Simon Rentner’s WBGO podcast, The Checkout. We played together from 3 separate locations in California, using low latency software. The three of us have collaborated on many telematic concerts since 2008, and it was … Read more

Presentation on networked music at NPAPW

Although I was sorry to miss meeting people in person as it was held virtually this year, it was a pleasure to be on a recent panel at the Networked Performing Arts Production Workshop with Tania Lisboa, Rob Hamilton, and Jesper Andersen, moderated by Ann Doyle. I gave a brief presentation with some reflections on networked music, past/present/future.

Trio with Anthony Davis and Mark Dresser

I am always grateful for a chance to perform with Anthony Davis and Mark Dresser, but never more than this concert, my first time performing with people in the same room in over a year. The streaming concert was a benefit to raise funds for Feed San Diego, through the wonderful Bodhi Tree Concert series. Many thanks to the fantastic … Read more

Soundpath, by Muhal Richard Abrams

It’s hard to describe the wide-ranging creative impact of Muhal Richard Abrams (1930-2017), one of the co-founders of the AACM and someone who mentored many of my own teachers. Shortly before he passed, Muhal was commissioned to compose a new work, Soundpath, by the Philadelphia-based group led by Bobby Zankel, the Warriors of the Wonderful Sound. In 2018, I was … Read more

Feed the Fire: A Cyber Symposium in Honor of Geri Allen

Geri Allen (1957-2017) inspired so many of us through her powerful music and presence, and her passing a few years was such a huge loss for the world. In this recent cyber-symposium, it was an honor to be included in a conversation about Geri’s telematic work with some of my mentors and heroes, including George E. Lewis, Nicole Mitchell, Frances … Read more

Intro to networked music performance

I’m excited to share a new article, Networked music performance: An introduction for musicians and educators, published in full on and also in a shorter version as a guest blog post for It covers the main practical considerations of playing music with people via internet, and ends with some broader ideas on how to use networks for teaching … Read more

The Stones Can Answer

I’m honored to be on this trio track (playing trombone/digibone) with the wonderfully creative improvisers G.E. Stinson (guitar/electronics) and Kaoru Mansour (voice/electronics/text), on a new album release (“35”) by various artists on Accretions Records to celebrate the label’s 35th anniversary! It was a pleasure making this collective track with them given their unique soundworlds. The album is available on Bandcamp … Read more

Wilfrido Terrazas panel en español

It was a pleasure to join flutist Wilfrido Terrazas, cultural producer Magali Palomar, and bassist Amanda Irarrazabal for an online discussion to celebrate the release of Wilfrido’s CD “Be Prepared.” It was hosted by Lupino Caballero and Multifónico. They were kind enough to put up with my grammar errors in Spanish, and we had an interesting and wide-ranging conversation about … Read more

Virtual Concert Hall trio concert

I recently enjoyed playing a telematic trio concert with my longtime telematic collaborators Mark Dresser and Matthias Ziegler, along with excellent video scenography and streaming by Joel de Giovanni and additional production by Johannes Schütt and Patrick Müller. This was sponsored by the University of Arts, Zurich on their Virtual Concert Hall series and everyone was located in their homes, … Read more

Panel: The History of Telematic Performance in Creative and Experimental Music

It was a pleasure to be on this panel at the New School’s festival with my longtime telematic collaborators and friends Mark Dresser, Nicole Mitchell and Sarah Weaver, moderated by Ross Karre of ICE. It was for a festival run by the New School’s COPA and it seems like they recorded the whole discussion on Facebook live.