
Panel: The History of Telematic Performance in Creative and Experimental Music

It was a pleasure to be on this panel at the New School’s festival with my longtime telematic collaborators and friends Mark Dresser, Nicole Mitchell and Sarah Weaver, moderated by Ross Karre of ICE. It was for a festival run by the New School’s COPA and it seems like they recorded the whole discussion on Facebook live.

Trio concert with Anthony Davis and Mark Dresser @ Arts for Art

I’m excited to perform a trio concert with two longtime friends/mentors, Mark Dresser and Anthony Davis, as part of the “Justice is Compassion On_Line Salon” series run by Arts for Art. The Arts for Art organization has been doing such important work for a long time, including the Vision Festival among many other projects, and I feel very fortunate for … Read more

NPR video on networked music performance

I appear briefly in a video by NPR’s “Jazz Night in America” called “Playing Music Together Online Is Not As Simple As It Seems,” and they did a great job of explaining the issues a lot musicians are facing now. They focused their story on the challenges of playing together in tight synchrony, which is possible up to around 500-600 … Read more

Pulitzer for Central Park 5!

I’m thrilled that my teacher, Anthony Davis, received the Pulitzer Prize for his opera The Central Park Five! I performed on the premieres last summer and wrote a post here about how powerful a work it was, as well as how Anthony had changed my understanding of Duke Ellington’s music and so much more when I studied with him 20 … Read more

Podcast interview on The Checkout

I recently enjoyed a conversation about networked music performance with Simon Rentner for his WBGO podcast, The Checkout. I appreciate him posting the whole conversation since it’s rare to get a chance to talk about this topic in the media in so much detail. Simon wanted some background because he and WBGO are hosting a networked concert tomorrow by four … Read more

New videos: Intro to networked music performance

In response to the recent surge of interest in how to play music with people via internet, I recently made a series of 5 intro videos on this topic, with examples of what is possible on home networks and an overview of what is required, focused specifically on the software program JackTrip. I also updated my googledoc with tech details … Read more

Full concert video, Changing Tides II

The video of our 2020 telematic Changing Tides II concert between California and Korea is now on YouTube. The playlist has all 6 compositions, with a total duration of about an hour. I am so grateful to our many wonderful collaborators on this project, in both Seoul and San Diego! (Full credits in the notes below each video.) <>

Concerts with Anthony Davis and Mark Dresser

It was wonderful to play the music of my mentors and friends Anthony Davis and Mark Dresser in a couple recent trio concerts we recently did, one as part of the CSUF New Music Festival run by Pam Madsen, and another at UCSD. Among the pieces we played were some selections from Anthony’s incredible opera Central Park Five, arranged as … Read more

Changing Tides 2

After over a year of technological and creative collaboration, yesterday we finally enjoyed peforming Changing Tides 2, a telematic concert with musicians and audiences in both Seoul, Korea and San Diego, California. This concert built on our first Changing Tides project in 2016, and we included some new musicians as well as expanding the scenic and visual design to a … Read more

Winter wasteLAnd digibone set

I enjoyed being part of the “winter wasteLAnd” mini-festival in LA this December, playing a solo digibone set. It was a diverse two-night festival of contemporary music, part of the wasteLAnd series that is now in its 7th season. Here’s an excerpt from my set, with thanks to Matt Savitsky for capturing video:  
Map score by Phillip Greenlief

Fall 2019 news

In early November I had 3 performances in the San Francisco Bay area with a ton of inspiring musicians, including a quintet with Beth Schenck, Tim Perkis, Lisa Mezzacappa, Kjell Nordeson; an opportunity to guest with Phillip Greenlief’s PGLRG, which included many super creative improvisers playing PG’s map scores (one pictured here); and a solo set on a double bill … Read more

Digibone Forest

My new solo trombone+computer album, Digibone Forest, is now out on Accretions! You can stream or purchase it in all the usual places (links below). Thanks for listening! Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp Google Play Amazon CD Baby

Anthony Davis’ Central Park 5

This week, I’m thrilled to be playing in the pit for The Central Park Five, a new opera by Anthony Davis commissioned by Long Beach Opera. When I studied with Anthony twenty years ago, he completely altered my understanding of Duke Ellington’s music by (among other things) explaining how Ellington’s way of writing for the individuals in his band was … Read more

Telematic performance in Colombia

I had a great time last week “beaming in” to perform at the Festival Internacional de la Imagen in Manizales, Colombia, as part of the on the Tele-Espacios Activos series directed by Mario Humberto Valencia. This is my 5th year collaborating with Mario and others there on a telematic concert, and this year instead of being at the festival, I … Read more

Quintet @ JustJazz series

LeRoy Downs and others are putting in a labor of love to sustain the weekly “Just Jazz” concert series in LA, and it was a pleasure to lead a band playing some of my recent compositions there this week with 4 incredible musicians: Nicole Mitchell, Mark Dresser, Joshua White and Alex Cline. Thanks to LeRoy and the organizers, to everyone … Read more

Residency in Manizales, Colombia

I’ve enjoyed developing collaborations and friendships over the past five years in Manizales, Colombia, and I had another wonderful trip there last week for a short residency at UCaldas. I worked on improvisation techniques with the Ensamble Música Contemporánea U de Caldas (EMCUC, pictured), directed by Yovanny Betancur, in preparation for an upcoming telematic concert on June 11 within the … Read more

Ain’t Nothing But A Cyber Coup & You

I’m excited to be a part of the Mark Dresser Seven’s latest album, “Ain’t Nothing But A Cyber Coup & You,” just released by Clean Feed Records. Always grounded by Mark’s incredible bass playing and composing, the band also features the brilliant contributions of Nicole Mitchell, Marty Ehrlich, Keir GoGwilt, Joshua White, Jim Black. Press is already starting to come … Read more

Sextet music @ Sam First

I had a great time playing my music at Sam First in LA yesterday with a phenomenal sextet: Nicole Mitchell (flute), Jeff Parker (guitar), Joshua White (piano), Emma Dayhuff (bass) and Alex Cline (drums).  (photo by Dean Westerfield)