After almost a decade of doing telematic projects, I’m excited to announce the release of our first DVD documenting this work: Virtual Tour: A Reduced Carbon Footprint Concert Series was just released on pfMENTUM, and documents a telematic concert series that I co-directed with Mark Dresser, with premieres by eight different composers, myself included. The DVD contains all three concerts, each featuring the core quartet of Nicole Mitchell, Myra Melford, Mark Dresser and myself in San Diego, performing on three different days with Marty Ehrlich, Jason Robinson, and Bob Weiner in Amherst, MA; Matthias Ziegler and Gerry Hemingway in Zurich; and Sarah Weaver, Jane Ira Bloom, Min Xiao-Fen, Ray Anderson, and Matthew Wilson in Stony Brook, NY. You can also watch this excerpt from one of my own compositions, or see the DVD trailer:
Virtual Tour DVD released