Course syllabi

Below are syllabi for some of the courses I have taught at UC Irvine.

Contemporary Ensemble, MUS 276 / MUS 176
Graduate/Undergraduate course focused on creating/performing new and original music.
Spring 2023 syllabus, Spring 2022 syllabus, Fall 2018 syllabus

Critical Studies in Music, MUS 235
Graduate seminar on writings from diverse fields or a special topic.
Winter 2021 syllabus (Music and Race), Spring 2019 syllabus/docs (survey of diverse scholarship)

Jazz Orchestra, MUS 178
Undergraduate jazz orchestra performance class.
Spring 2024 syllabus, Winter 2024 syllabus, Fall 2023 syllabus

Jazz Combo, MUS 176
Undergraduate course on small group jazz performance.
Fall 2021 syllabus (various composers), Fall 2020 syllabus (music of Geri Allen), Fall 2018 syllabus

Improvisation (grad), MUS 231
Graduate seminar on improvisation, with performance projects focus, and some listening/research.
Spring 2021 syllabus

Improvisation (undergrad), MUS 181
Undergraduate course on improvisation, including both research/discussion and creative practice.
Winter 2022 syllabus

Introduction to Music, MUS 3
General Education (GE) lecture course on diverse musical and cultural topics, including sound collage assignments introducing digital audio skills.
Syllabus for summer 2024

Networked Music Performance, MUS 237
Graduate course on performing music together via internet.
Fall 2020 sylllabus

Experiments in Telematic Music, MUS 237
Inter-campus graduate course co-taught with UCSD Professor Mark Dresser on telematic composition and performance, with collaborative student projects and guest presenters. Taught in 2013 (with Roger Reynolds), 2014, and 2016.

Creative Practices, MUS 209
Graduate course on integrated composition, improvisation and technology, focused on student projects and research.
Winter 2015 syllabus

Other courses I have taught include Creative Research Methods (MUS 236, co-taught with Prof. Rajna Swaminathan), Undergraduate Composition (MUS 150), Advanced Undergrad Composition (MUS 157), Musicianship (MUS 15 A-B-C), ICIT Thesis Colloquium (MUS 239), Jazz Trombone lessons, and Fundamentals (MUS 25). My teaching at UCI also includes PhD research supervision, lessons and independent studies.