I had a great time last week “beaming in” to perform at the Festival Internacional de la Imagen in Manizales, Colombia, as part of the on the Tele-Espacios Activos series directed by Mario Humberto Valencia. This is my 5th year collaborating with Mario and others there on a telematic concert, and this year instead of being at the festival, I performed with Wilfrido Terrazas (flute) and Juan David Rubio (conduction) from UC Irvine, along with the Ensamble de Música Contemporánea de la Universidad de Caldas (EMCUC), a group directed by Yovanny Betancur that was located in Manizales. The ensemble did a great job with my own composition and I look forward to collaborating with them more in the coming years. It was also my first time performing with Wilfrido, an incredible flutist and improviser. This picture of the space in Colombia shows the visual design there, with Wilfrido and me projected among the members of the ensemble.
Telematic performance in Colombia