For the 3rd year in a row, I enjoyed working with my friends in Manizales, Colombia, co-producing and performing on a telematic concert on June 14 within the Festival de la Imagen, which this year was also the site of the conference of the International Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA). It was the first time ever that ISEA was hosted in Latin America, and incredible to be in the midst of over 700 artists attending from across the world. With Mario Valencia, Oscar “Tata” Ceballos and others, we produced a telematic concert with various works, including a collaborative piece on which I played trombone and Tata electric guitar in Manizales, connecting with two fantastic musicians in Cali, Colombia, Jose Cuero on marimba de chonta and Feiner Ruiz Hurtado on bombo. It was my first time collaborating with musicians from the beautiful music traditions of the Pacific coast of Colombia, and it went so well that we all agreed we have to continue the work together. I also gave a presentation on telematics within the conference, and enjoyed connecting with many artists there.