Telematics, Stony Brook-CA (2016)

On April 10, we performed the third and final concert of “Changing Tides: A Telematic Translocational Concert Series,” a series I’m co-directing with Mark Dresser. This concert was with a fantastic quintet in Stony Brook, NY: Marty Ehrlich, Ray Anderson, Min Xiao Fen, Denman Maroney, and Satoshi Takeishi, with our co-director Sarah Weaver conducting. In San Diego, I performed with Nicole Mitchell, Stephanie Richards, and Mark Dresser. I was one of the composers and created a new piece for each of the three concerts, so the whole series was an amazing experience for me on many levels. It feels like each year we gain more fluency working within the telematic space, and our community of collaborators is constantly expanding. More to come soon!